Wongala Watermain Construction


Tamworth Regional Council is investing $675,000 to replace a section of approximately 600 metres of water pipe in Coorong Street, Willow Street and Wongala Street. This is part of Council’s Water Asset Renewal Program. The water mains are being replaced as part of Council’s Strategic Asset Renewal Program as there has a history of breaks and leaks in previous years. A large portion of the work will also increase the size of the water main to provide greater capacity within the water supply system.  

Work is expected to take approximately four months to complete. Our construction crews will work between the hours of 7am and 5pm on weekdays and some Saturday work between the hours of 7am and 1pm may also be required.

During some stages of the work, there may be some traffic impacts on residents and drivers who travel through the area. Please follow all road signage for detours or diversions and discuss with on-site staff for private access into residential properties.

During the project, some water outages will occur to allow the new water main to be connected to properties in this area. Any impacted residents will be notified before any temporary disruptions to water supply take place.

If you have any further questions about the project, please contact Council’s Project Manager Tom Radford on 6767 5555 or trc@tamworth.nsw.gov.au.

Wongala Watermain Construction Map 


Wongala Watermain Construction Project Extent of Works

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