Year-Round Care
Year Round Care is a Council-run Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) service offering before and after school care as well as vacation care for children aged 5 – 12 who are attending primary school in the Tamworth region. The services operate from Tamworth West Public School during school terms from 6:30am – 9:00am in the morning and 3:25pm – 6:00pm in the afternoon and Tamworth Public School during school terms from 6:30am – 9:00am in the morning and 3:00pm – 6:00pm in the afternoon. Vacation Care operates from both services 6:30am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday during school holiday periods.
Beyond just supervision, Year Round Care offers fun, educational activities designed to foster learning, creativity, and social skills. A light breakfast is served in the mornings to children who arrive before 8am. Afternoon tea is served each day at 3:30pm and usually consists of sandwiches with spreads, seasonal fruit and vegetables, biscuits, dairy products and cereals. During winter months a selection of hot foods, such as soup and spaghetti bolognaise, are often served.
Both centres are Child Care Subsidy approved and applied to eligible families. Both services also go through assessment and compliance through NSW Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate.
Australian Children’s Education & Care Authority (ACECQA) is in independent statutory authority that assists in implementing the National Quality Framework (NQF). The NQF is Australia’s system for regulating early learning and school age care including: legislation and national quality standard, sector profiles and data, and learning frameworks. For more information on the National Quality Framework please refer to
Australia’s national framework for school age care is My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia V2.0. The aim of the framework is to assist educators to provide children and young people with opportunities to maximise their potential and develop a foundation for successful lifelong learning My Time, Our Place.
Year Round Care operates according to its Policy Manual (PDF 979.3KB)
For all details about before and after school care, vacation care, opening hours, fees, school bus timetables, guidelines and more, please refer to our Parent Information Booklet. (PDF 1.2MB)
Bookings are essential for all Year Round Care services. A Year Round Care Enrolment Form must be completed and booking times confirmed with the Centre staff. This form is suitable for enrolment to both East (Tamworth Public School) and South (Tamworth West Public School) Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) services offered by Council.
To complete an enrolment form online, please click here.
Children with special needs may be eligible to attend the service under the Inclusion Support program. Contact the OSHC Inclusion Support Officer to discuss individual needs.
For further information about outside school hours care services offered or to discuss your family's needs submit an online enquiry.
Please use the Year Round Care Vacation and School Term Session Booking Form (Bookings will open from 9:00am, Monday 2 December 2024).
- This form is to be completed for School Term and Vacation Care
- Parents are required to provide Customer Reference Numbers (CRN) for yourself and your child/ren
- All parents wishing to book their children at Year Round Care must read and understand the Policy Manual (PDF 979.3KB)
The Tamworth Region has a wide range of childcare services available for children under school-age including family day care, long day care centres and pre-school. There are also a number of playgroups throughout the region.
You'll find a listing and contact details of childcare options in the Tamworth Regional Community Directory.